Sunday, February 24, 2013

Tweeting Teachers Tap Technology

I came across this article- Tweeting Teachers Tap Technology article on the Hartford Courant website this afternoon, and thought I'd share. I have previously expressed reservations about using twitter, but am very interested in it. This article tells about a West Hartford kindergarten teacher using twitter in her classroom. It is very inspiring- and gives many reasons why this is a great tool to bridge the home-school connection!


  1. Thanks for posting this Courtney.I agree with you-I have reservations about Twitter but am seeing the benefits of using it in connection with the classroom. I also like that teachers are connecting with other teachers! Would you follow me??

  2. Dear Courtney,

    Thank you for posting a link to the Hartford Courant article.

    Right now, I follow 35 teachers who have classroom Twitter accounts, including two teachers from the STEM Smith Elementary School in W. Hartford (both kindergarten teachers, one of whom is featured in the article and the other who was in my class last semester).

    Here is a link to my List of Twitter Classroom accounts, and if you are on Twitter, you can subscribe to this list.

    Here is a list of the 117 elementary school teachers on another list:

    Alan November, the author and speaker mentioned in the Courant article, is the author of the book we used last spring in EDUC 584. The book is Empowering Students with Technology. Alan Skyped with one of the sections of the course for an hour and a half. It was an amazing Skype, in which he encouraged the teachers to advocate for the effective use of technology in their schools to empower students, as his book title suggests.


    J. Arzt

  3. Thanks for sharing this article. I never really thought much about using twitter, but I am beginning to rethink it. This article made me really consider using it in my own classroom.

  4. Thanks for sharing! I haven't wanted to use Twitter in the classroom, however, I am starting to see the benefits of it. Maybe it is something that we can work on together for next year?! :)

  5. I read this article from my Courant app on my phone and I thought what perfect timing, since we were talking about this in class. Twitter would be another great avenue to reach parents and quickly communicate.

  6. Thanks for the great article. I do not use Twitter but maybe I need to start!
